Welcome to Year R!
In the first half of the Autumn term we are learning about "Ourselves". We are going to be sharing our identity boxes and talking about why they are important to us, talking about our families and investigating our 5 senses. We will also be learning about Autumn and spending some time in the school grounds investigating the world around us. The second half of the Autumn term we are going to be learning about different "Celebrations" such as Christmas, birthdays, Diwali and anniversaries. We will also try different foods and make decorations and cards for each celebration. We enjoy learning about Christmas and making our stage debut when performing a traditional nativity.
In Spring 1 we learn about lots of different books in our “Brilliant books” topic. A favourite week is when we read loads of books about pants! We also find out about different authors, such as Sue Hendra and Julia Donaldson. In the Spring 2 term we will be learning all about Spring in our topic "Spring has Sprung". We will be planting our own flowers, fruits and vegetables and learning about what they need in order to survive. We also have a special egg delivery, and if we are lucky watch as the chicks hatch.
During Summer 1 we learn all about different types of animals in our “Wonderful Wildlife” topic. We learn about animals that live in the sea, wild animals, pets and where they live.
In the 1st half of the Spring term our topic is going to be called "Pick 'N' Mix" and we are going to learn about a mixture of different topics such as dinosaurs, people who help us, and different vehicles. During this term we have lots of visitor who talk about their jobs and bring in different types of transport. We also enjoy a science week, where we use our senses and the world around us to investigate what is happening. We also think about different types of holidays and support children in their transition into Year 1.
Phonics Information
Informational letter about foundation stage literacy
Below is the weblink to a video which shows you how to pronounce letter sounds correctly ..
If you have any queries with regard to the curriculum for this year group, please contact Miss Katherine Russell (Year Group Leader) or Mrs Jo Armes (Executive Head of School).
If you would like further paper copies of the curriculum/newsletters, please contact your child's teacher.
Should you have any queries with regard to any of the Year R team, please contact Mrs Jo Armes (Executive Head of School)) or Glen Golding (Headteacher).