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  • Year 5

    Welcome to Year 5

    Evolution: Why is life on Earth so varied?

    We start year 5 by teaching evolution and inheritance and how they have led to variations in life on Earth. The children learn about the work of Charles Darwin, including his theories on natural selection as well as what we can learn from fossils and how humans have evolved over millions of years. At the end of the topic, they apply all their learning to design their own species of animal that is adapted to its environment. In art, the children sketch and paint fossils and plants, and in design technology they use textiles to design and make a purse.

    Rainforest: Why are rainforests important to us all?

    Following on from evolution, the children focus on rainforest habitats.  They think about why the Rainforest is important, the Rainforest as a habitat, as well as the lifecycles of plants and animals. The children also study features of the rainforest including rivers, the layers of the rainforest and the varied plant and animal life that can be found there. They also write persuasive letters to the government demanding action against deforestation.

    World War II: How was Britain affected by World War II?

    In the spring term, our focus shifts to World War II and the effects it had on Britain at the time. The children will learn about key figures and events of the War including rationing, Winston Churchill and the Blitz. Children learn about why children were evacuated and where they were evacuated. In order to bring this topic to life, children visit Milestones Living Museum to experience life in Britain during World War II. They also get the opportunity to dress in their finest World War II-inspired attire for a day of themed learning in school.

    Forces: May the force be with you

    In the second half of the spring term, the children investigate a variety of forces, including gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance. They carry out several practical investigations, including investigating levers, gears and pulleys. In design technology, the children use their knowledge of hydraulics and pneumatics to create a monster that moves, whilst in music the children will be composing a piece of music that represents their monster and the way it can move.

    USA: What is so great about the USA?

    In the summer term, the children carry out a geographical and sociological study on the United States of America. They focus on the location of the 50 states and compare life in different states. Children also explore the different landscapes and habitats of America, as well as some of its natural phenomena, including the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park.

    In art, the children use perspective to draw the view of a street in New York City and in English, our focus is on the American novel ‘Wonder’ by the author R.J. Palacio.

    Ancient Greece: Why is it important today?

    Our final topic of year 5 is Ancient Greece. The children learn about the physical geography of Greece before focusing on what life was like in ancient times. They investigate how democracy was created, the effects the Gods and Goddesses had on everyday life and the birth of the Olympics. The children celebrate this topic by donning their best togas for Ancient Greek day. In design and technology, the children get the opportunity to design, make and eat their own Greek flatbread.

    If you have any queries with regard to the curriculum for this year group, please contact your child’s class teacher or Mr Morris or Miss Tashdjian(Assistant Deputy Heads).

    If you would like further paper copies of the curriculum/newsletters, please contact your child's teacher or the school office.