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  • Governors

    Mrs Jo Slimin

    Chair of Governors

    Chair of Resources Committee

    Safeguarding Governor

    Co-opted Governor

    Mr Rob Stevenson

    Vice Chair of FGB

    Health & Safety Governor

    Co-opted Governor

    Mr Glen Golding

    Executive Head Teacher

    Mr Tomas Adams

    Co-opted Governor

    PP Governor

    Mrs Nina Benjamin

    Local Authority Governor

    Chair of Curriculum Committee

    Mrs Mary Cawley

    Co-opted Governor

    Mr Simon Green

    Co-opted Governor

    Mrs Lucy Manners

    Co-opted Governor

    SEN Governor

    Mrs Amanda Sims


    To contact our Governors, please  email the school office at or or use the following address:

    C/O Bishopswood Schools Federation

    Barlows Road


    RG26 3NA

    Governing Body Vision and Mission Statement Vision

    The Bishopswood Schools Federation Governing Body is committed to delivering friendly, nurturing, happy schools, working together and with the wider community to enable each individual to maximise their potential so we can all be proud of our schools.

    Mission Statement By:

    • Encouraging all members of the Federation to be motivated, independent lifelong learners through a variety of creative and stimulating learning experiences
    • Providing excellent teaching and learning opportunities
    • Providing an open environment and strong home/school partnership in a team where challenges are faced up to and solved
    • Promoting and valuing self-worth and self-discipline, good behaviour and cooperatio
    • Effective use of technology
    • Creating and promoting outdoor learning opportunities
    • Providing vibrant extra curriculum activities to broaden horizons
    • Provide an environment where staff have fulfilling and challenging roles while protecting work life balance.

    Please click on the links below for further information about our Governing Body.