‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’  (Benjamin Franklin)


Science teaching in Bishopswood will provide learners with a broad, balanced and skills based learning experience, based on the National Curriculum, which will equip children with the skills to become well rounded citizens who show respect and care. We aim to promote literacy and maths skills throughout our science teaching to allow children to apply what they have learnt in a range of different contexts.

The aims of Science are to:

  Establish a firm foundation of positive attitudes, skills and understanding

  Prepare children to understand themselves as learners and to regard themselves as lifelong learners;

  Seek to develop scientists with lively and enquiring minds who are self-motivated, self- confident and independent;

  Provide a holistic, creative and inspiring curriculum built on an integrated thematic approach which is delivered through stimulating, investigative activities and first hand experiences that challenge and motivate children to learn

   Provide continuity and progression for each child, promoting enjoyment and engagement

To achieve these aims, the Science curriculum is planned to be:

  • Broad so that it provides a wide range of knowledge, skills and experiences
  • Balanced so that each subject has sufficient time to contribute effectively to learning
  • Relevant so that learning can link to the pupil’s experience to applications in the world at large
  • Coherent so that scientific topics can be linked to make the whole learning experience more meaningful
  • Progressive so that what is taught builds in a systematic way upon what has already been learned
  • Differentiated so that what is taught and the tasks that are set are matched to the aptitude and ability of each pupil
  • Accessible so that there is equality of opportunity for all



The Roadmap shows the journey that our children take as they progress through the science curriculum in our school. Our Science curriculum is progressive, broad and engaging.